2024 MVCC Tech Challenge

The OLCHS Career and Technical Education Division participated in the 2024 Moraine Valley Technology Challenge Competition. Students from Mrs. Hughes’, Mrs. Hartmann’s, and Mr. Faro’s classes competed in a variety of team and individual competitions related to the courses they are taking at Oak Lawn Community High School.

The competition was held at Moraine Valley Community College and allows for students from the Moraine Area High Schools to get together and compete in various technical areas.

 Mr. Faro had four students compete in the electronics competition that focused on soldering and circuitry. Taking home 2nd place was the team of Patrick Komosinski and Alan Soto, and coming in 1st place was the team of Ramis Rizvi and Nathan Tapirdau.

Mrs. Hartmann brought three students from her graphic design courses to compete in the computer graphics competition using Adobe Photoshop, where Scott Edwards took home the 1st place prize.

Mrs. Hughes’s business students competed in document creation using Microsoft Office. It was an eventful day for all these OLCHS students to put their knowledge and skills to the test.